Armenian parties SDHP, ARF, and RAG issue a united statement in support to Nishan Der Haroutunian
Meanwhile, representatives of The three Armenian parties SDHP, ARF, and RAG met discussed the political and social conditions that were escalated by an irresponsible person, trying to provoke sectarian issues with a terrorist roof. The Armenian parties believe that it is necessary to prosecute this person and request the Lebanese state to take appropriate measures against him before the judiciary and expedite the punishment.
The three Armenian parties called on all members of the Armenian community to pass this stage rationally, as in the past as well today, and not to be drawn into the traps of sectarianism and discord, and remain loyal to the martyrs of the cause and the truth, and remain loyal to the beloved country Lebanon.
MP Hagop Pakradounian announced that a team of Lebanese lawyers including Armenian descent, will take legal action and prosecute those who insulted and threatened the Journalist and the Armenian Community.
Another Armenian MP took it to his social media and posted the expression: “Neshan is not an orphan, he is a great-grandchild of Soghomon Tehlirian””
The Video shows protestors who gathered in front of the “Al-Jadid” or so-called New TV Channel building in Beirut on the 11th of June, 2020, chanting Allahu Akbar, and cursing Armenians as if they are going to one of the Basketball matches between HOMENETMEN and RIYADI, but this time demanding the “Halal bloodshed” meaning Halal to slaughter, the Lebanese Armenian TV host Nishan Der Haroutunian.
The EAFJD- European Armenian Federation for Justice and Democracy, expressed its “deep concern regarding #Turkey-backed #Armenophobic and #racist demonstrations which took place today in #Lebanon, after the reaction of Neshan Der Haroutiounian – a well-known local Armenian journalist, on insults he received because of his Armenian origins. He was also treated as a “refugee.”
Adding that “As a part of its #ArmenianGenocide denial policies the Turkish government supports and encourages anti-Armenian sentiment, racism and #HateSpeech in the Middle Eastern countries.” Tagging the “European Union in Lebanon” and “Armenian National Committee of Lebanon – ANCL”

Lebanese Armenian TV Personality Nishan Der Haroutunian
Nishan Der Haroutunian replies to a tweet on his show
Lebanese Armenian TV Host Nishan Der Haroutunian, and the Armenians of Lebanon in general, received threats by pro-Turkey parties. It all started because of a talk show represented by Nishan der Harutunian, where he read a comment from a spectator calling him “a refugee pussy(informal for cat), who showed his racism and called Erdogan an evil Ottoman”, during the 10th of June episode of his program, “Ana Heik” on “Al-Jadid” channel. The Guest of the episode was pro Syrian Lebanese politician Wiam Wahab, who also received his fair share of insults.
The following day, “Lawyer Muhammed Ziyad Jaafil reported Nishan to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for making such statements, by which he “verbally abuses a friendly country (Turkey), and affects national unity” and arouses Sectarian and racial strife, as well as against the “NewTV” channel, and everyone who the investigation shows is a partner, interferer or instigator, in reference to the offense of Articles 317 and 288 penalties and the infliction of the most severe penalties against anyone who is proven guilty.” according to Tayyar News.
Armenians and TV Host Nishan Der Haroutunian receiving threats by pro-Turkey parties in Lebanon

the caption of the video: if Armenians consider defending the lands Genocide then we are proud of what we did.
But the issue doesn’t end here, because the video of a self-proclaimed politician, head of Lebanese- Arab “Mardalia” organization has gone viral where he made direct threats to the Lebanese Armenian personalities and community.
He is threatening to slaughter Armenians in Bourj Hammoud, calling Ottomans “his ancestors” and that they did a good job slaughtering Armenians, calling Armenians stupid, traitors, evil, disrespectful, suggesting Nishan is Gay and offending him, etc…
He also pours his insults on Lebanese politicians, Wiam Wahab and Walid Jumblatt, who represent the Druz of the Mountains, calling him a traitor and liar, etc.
Naturally, Armenians who saw the video and lost their nerves released the Hashtag #متضامن_مع_نيشان that is translated to supporting Nishan. Some have pleaded Nishan to get married and have kids, others have “bombarded” the video author with curses and invites to escalate the situation on the ground …After the huge backlash, the person has deleted the video from most of his accounts.
Lebanese Armenians are a respected part of the Lebanese Society, although they have endured all the crisis of all times caused by civil war, social inequalities, poverty, absence of social support, etc… yet some still vow to remain in this beautiful country that hosted Armenian refugees that had survived the Armenian Genocide of 1915 and shared in establishing the Lebanese Republic in 1943.
Now the question is, who is going to report this person to the Lebanese Authorities, knowing that on May 11, 2000, the Lebanese parliament voted to recognize the Armenian genocide. Lebanon was the first Arabic-speaking country to have done so.
About Nishan Der Haroutunian’s Career
Lebanese Armenian TV Host Nishan Der Haroutunian has attended AGBU Hovagimian- Manougian College in Beirut. The self-made TV HOST, won “studio of arts” Tv Presenting show, in 1996, directed by Simon Asmar.
Nishan’s father died when he was in Dubai what greatly affected his psychological state because he was very attached to his father. As for his mother, her name is Berjouhie, she is an Armenian Syrian from Sweida. He has two siblings, his sister Sally, and Raffi the younger brother.
Since his childhood, he was passionate about the love of learning and knowledge, a great fan of reading has large and wide Knowledge in all fields. At the age of eighteen, he was exposed to a health problem that almost took his life.
He teaches Media studies for students of the American University of Beirut and has many human activities. He holds a degree in biology from the American University of Beirut, and a CELTA certificate for teaching English to adults from Cambridge University, and is also known for his passion for languages as he is fluent in Arabic, Armenian, English, French, Turkish and Italian.
Read about Nishan Der Haroutunian representing awards to Sirusho in Dubai.
Wow is wannabe ottoman making threats to slaughter Hourj Hammoud Armenians? About time he eats his words.
All the support to neshan. Ottoman are criminals that killed 1.5 M Armenians.
Neshan we will support you buddy. Stay strong and face those mfers