Raw Food Diet: How The Armenian Scientist cured his daughter
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Arshavir Ter Hovhannessian (1898-1990) was an Iranian Armenian Scientist. According to some, he was a doctor who worked in the Iranian Royal Palace of the Shah.
He had turned to a raw food diet to raise his third daughter Anahit, after losing two children to sickness.
There is also a saying that he might have been an ordinary man with no higher education, who just documented the way he raised his child.
He lived in Place Sanai, 2, Kamkar Ave., Tehran Iran. At that time Tehran Press had followed the progress, “the girl is growing remarkably strong, healthy and well-developed… Anahit is an excellent student, has a good memory”.
Are Doctors and Scientists with or Against Raw Food Diet?
Meanwhile, Doctors started the “anti-scientific” propaganda against him and observed the progress closely, but this didn’t stop Aterov, but it attracted extra attention.
The results took time, but in 1967 he released a book in Persian called “World Free from Viruses and Poisons”, although not too convincing for doctors. His followers created the Aterovym Naturist Society that during the seventies, had more than 400 followers.
Nowadays, he still has many fans in Iran, people have established associations of RawFoodism and have launched restaurants to introduce vegetarianism to people, in addition to artists who tend to make this type of diet a fashionable one.
How do you become a raw foodist?
Arshavir was well known in Soviet Armenia as Aterhov, Russian Nutritional Scientist Nicholas Kurdyumov wrote about him: In the ’50s the Iranian Armenian man A. Ter Hovannessian made a breakthrough to the raw food diet.
The best European doctors had tried to heal two of his children but they failed. He had an idea: the body is useful only you do not have time to spoil it. Before the third daughter, he just put fresh plants and watched.
The girl grew up to be extremely healthy and developed. Becoming Raw-foodists, Ter-Avanesyan got rid of all their illnesses, he gained youth – and devoted his life to the promotion of the idea. After a detailed study of medicine, he wrote a series of bright, sharp books.
He declared the love of cooking, and: DishMania and branded it as a terrible offense to themselves and their children. He showed that all diseases, including cancer – are the result of “DishMania”. His categorical, bordering on obsession, has inspired many enthusiasts – and great help physicians do not take it seriously.
Raw food Diet quotes:
“Pain is the body’s warning signal that it is in danger, requesting help. But rather than eliminate risk, we drop the poison affecting nerves that tell us about the danger, and drowning out their voices! Meanwhile, the disease continues to progress smoothly evolving and now with the help of the harmful effects of drugs injected into the body.
“Consumption of cooked food causes the organs of the human body to work three to four times higher than their normal rhythm.
“If we accept the fact that the animal organism converts vegetable proteins, and turns them into a fully balanced nutritious food, while the flesh of animals such as foxes, wolves, dogs, cats, and tigers eating such “fully balanced” proteins that must be of a huge nutritional value; yet we know that the toxic nature of the flesh of these predators is such an obvious fact that even the most ardent supporters do not dare to eat meat it.
“As already stated, each of 350 thousand substances currently used as drugs, it is the direct cause of all possible complications. But among all of these substances are the most dangerous penicillin aureomycin, streptomycin, mercury-containing drugs, sulfonamides, digitalis, vaccines, serums, synthetic vitamins (thiamin, niacin, and so on. D.), Atofan, cortisone, liver extract, insulin, adrenaline, and many other medicines, so widely used today.
“We should always remember that those substances, which are discovered by physicians are not limited to 40 or 50 vitamins, as we are told. There are actually a great many that it is impossible to establish a clear picture of their quantitative and qualitative characteristics even after thousands of years.
“Weight-Dish-loving person cannot be a criterion for good health. Obesity – one of the most dangerous diseases
Natural food should not be used by physicians only as a temporary means of treatment. It must be declared the only human food.”

Raw Food Diet Testimonials
A fan wrote: “Arshavir Ter Hovannessian, wrote a book about raw eating and will one day be remembered as not only the father of the modern-day raw food movement worldwide but also one of the greatest humanitarians and environmentalists who ever lived. He has not been given any credit whatsoever by any of these dishonest money-hungry authors. He has done so much for humanity and the least we can do is remember, appreciate, and honor his work.
Aterhov is truly one of the most underestimated philanthropists of our time and his philosophy on raw eating is beginning to resurface because mankind is in desperate need of a natural and healthy way of living. The raw food diet, Aterhov himself believed that raw eating will bring forth the “world’s greatest revolution”, so let’s try to not let him down.
It is not only remarkably beneficial to our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being but it is also beneficial to the whole environment and the economies of all nations on earth.
This lifestyle is the only true way we are designed to live and the result of whole nations. Converting to a raw food diet will be revolutionary, to say the least…

Aterhov himself believed that raw food diet eating will bring forth the “world’s greatest revolution”, and he wanted to spread his book for free.
He was almost a cripple, but with his transition to raw food, he was able to extend 40 years of his life.
Arshavir Hovannessian died in Tehran at the age of 84, in 1990. His Daughter became a tourist guide.
Dear Ayoupen,
Thank you for publishing this article on Aterhov, not many people know about him. I am on Aterhov’s raw food diet since 5 years, I had Hepatitis C virus in my liver, chronic constipation and very bad teeth. After switching to a raw food diet, my liver was healed, constipation was gone, and I never had to visit a dentist again.
I haven’t vaccinated my children, and since their birth I have never given them a drug like antibiotics or aspirin. I think raw food is the only way to cure any disease and stay healthy.
It is simple and cheap. Aterhov indeed is a prophet when he said that raw eating will bring forth the “world’s greatest revolution”!
Google the term “Raw Vegan” you will get at least 5 million results, this is definitely the seeds of a dietary revolution.
It’s good to see Aterhov’s “Raw Vegan” diet gaining attention.
Hopefully we see more and more doctors advising their patients to adopt this diet.
I have seen so many people lose that extra kilos within very short time and many of their symptoms improved.
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. ”
― Thomas A. Edison
so there is just one important question left.
How did Aterhov die? did he become sick or it was an accident?
what is his daughter doing now? is she still alive?
he dies because of cancer
Great insights are mentioned here. That is why I always come here for more and new things that help me with the questions I have from time to time.