As the Armenian Genocide Centennial approached, and the Armenians of the world started shaking the earth with Memorials Remembrances, Concerts, Marches, Laws Criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial… Amal Clooney eloquently argued the Armenian Genocide case in the European Court of Justice, Pope Francis presided at the celebration of Holy Mass on the Second Sunday of Easter for the faithful of Armenian Rite and described the 1915 mass killings of Armenians by Turks as the “first genocide of the 20th century” … causing anger among the Turks.
Artists, politicians, diplomats arrived in Armenia from all over the world, to take part in the Centennial commemorations of the Genocide. Armenians sang with System of a Down at the Freedom Square, “Genealogy” gathered from all over the world to prepare their song for The Eurovision Song Contest. Hoping for Charles Aznavour, Cher, Georges Clooney, Isabelle Bayrakdarian and many others to join too.
All the information which you need about “Cher.” Age, Origin, Bio
Kim Kardashian turned the attention of her 30 Million followers, fans, and non-fans towards Armenia… Giving an impression as if they really liked it there, and were deeply touched by the ancient civilization and the beautiful Nature of Armenia, by the people who gave her the very Royal treatment…. her Husband performed for the Armenian people, a free concert as a token of appreciation, and to the surprise of many, they headed to Jerusalem and baptized their daughter in the Armenian St. James Cathedral, yet again inviting the worlds attention to another important Armenian Monastery situated in an ancient town where Armenians lived and survived for Centuries.
American Armenian Artist Cher, who had visited Armenia in 1993, while the people were starting to open up to the world after the end of the Soviet rule, and although many might not remember her visit, she toured Armenia, visited the Catholicos, then, but due to her flu, wasn’t able to visit the then-president TerBedrossian.
Cher tweeted and started her own tweet Campaign about the Armenian Genocide, her trip to Armenia worked out well for her to start believing in Love after Love, the love of the Armenian identity that has endured so much but has survived and demanded Justice.
The Independent UK wrote “Cher: The mercy tour: Cher wasn’t sure what sent her to stricken Armenia, land of her fathers, to hand out love and toys. But she was looking for a way to change her life, and this seemed a good place to start” and quotes her ‘FOR A WHILE, I’ve been thinking, how do I change my life, how do I change my life? And the only way to change your life is to go ahead and change your life, you know? I’m really bored with my life and it’s up to me to change it. I just know that if you start making little baby steps in a different direction, you leave the place that you’re in. You know?’
Cher tweeted earlier today: “I Don’t feel anger 4 (or blame) the ppl of Turkey,4 something that happened 100 yrs ago,
But I think the Gov. should acknowledge Genocide (Praying emoji)”
and “A Horror Story my Grandmother Told me.
“The TURKS came to 2 Village, They called a town meeting and Shot Men and Boys, and Raped The Women and Girls.”
I agree with Cher, I don't feel anger, hatred or bitterness against the Turkish People, for something that happened 100 years ago, The the Government should admit it was Genocide
I somehow agree with Cher, but its been 100 years already, so its time for the new turkish generation to accept and acknowledge what their ancestors did in 1915, erdogan must step down and sent to ARMENIA to be punished since ottoman empire was so dear to him so let him pay for the damages and return our lands !!!
Vahan Jon, now your talking like a true DASNAK, Erdogan as much as I can't stand him, has commited no crime!! He's just another Genocide Denier!! As far as "OUR LANDS' No Country would give away ANY region of their land, including Turkey!! What would you do with the Kurdish and Turkish People that are living in "our land" Kill them?? Don't Forget there's also between half million to one million Hidden Crypto- Armenians (Muslims)in Eastern Turkey Now!! Would you Force Christianity on them?? VAHAN KAY!!
Richard Harootunian first i am Armenian and far being a DASNAK, that is my opinion and i respect yours, whats ours must stay ours…
Vahan Kay, I also respect your opinion!! But I ask you what would you do with the people living in "our lands"? Let them stay?? Or "DRIVE" them out, like was done to our ancestors in 1915? You live in Canada, but I'm a third generation Armenian-American who considers himself AMERICAN who is also proud of my Armenian Heritage!!
Richard Harootunian i realy dont care where they should go, in 1915 did they care where our great great parents go? did they care when they were starving in the desert ? did they care about our children? the women? the men???
This question is not just for Vahan, but ALL my Fellow Armenians Activists who claim they want "Our Lands" back, I again ask, What would you do with the millions of people currently living in "our lands"?? Kill them. Drive them out??? I never seem to get this question answered!!
Vahan Kay, I myself lost my Great Grandparents, The Pambookjian Family all of them in Erzurum-Karin in 1915, So I am not a Genocide Denier!! a hundred years ago!! You current hold the current Turkish and Kurdish people responsible for Ottoman Turkey's Genocide 100 years ago!! Your answer when you wrote did "they" care, the present modern Turks and Kurds could not apply to them, maybe their great-grandparents, but not them!!
why are they denying it ???? they should accept and take responsibility
Vahan Jon, The modern current day Turks and Kurds are ashamed of what their ancestors did to our ancestors, that's probably the reason they deny it,(Genocide), on the other hand how can you hold them responsible for the actions of their Great Grandparents? Needless to say the weren't around 100 years ago!!!
This all goes back how we were raised!! My family and most other Armenian-American 3rd generation never spoke of the Genocide, only after 50 years later, 1965, was it mentioned, Our Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church, before '65, didn't have a April 24th observance day either, I'm 70 years old, of course I remember, It wasn't until the newcomers started coming here, the Beirutsi, first, followed by the Barska_Hyes, Next the Hayastantsis, all bringing these April 24th Commerations with them, they also brought their HATE for the Turks with them!! We were never taught to hate the Turks like you people were brought up doing!!!
Genocide is a crime against humanity, and according to international law, the victims must have their rights restored. The United States Federal law contains no statute of limitations on war crimes and crimes against humanity. As with the crime of genocide, international treaties, conventions, and guidelines confirm the proscription against statutes of limitations for crimes against humanity.
In short, when the turks inherit the goods stolen from the genocide victims, they also share responsible with the perpetrators.
“We recognize the Armenian Genocide without question. The Kurds and others certainly have played a role in the Armenian Genocide, but the political will [to commit this genocide] was that of the Young Turks’ party, led by Enver and Talaat Pashas.
“If Turkey claims to own the Ottoman heritage, let it own it [the Armenian Genocide], too. If not, let it come to grips with this tragedy,” Kurdish Leader Selahattin Demirtas